Friday, 28 January 2011

I'm sorry but...

you may get fed up of me posting on here. I really want to get into the habit of writing a blog much more often than I have done in the last couple of years. I may treat it like a bit of a diary but without any of the soppy 'he loves me, he loves me not' rubbish which you might find in a teenage journal. I am 21 years of age and am feeling quite the grown up at the moment.

It's getting to the point now where I have to start looking for jobs which will keep me occupied after university as soon as possible. I've been advised many a time that I need work experience to be seriously considered for the type of work which I really want. I do think that I have a better idea of exactly what this is now.

On Monday, I emailed an editor whose address I had from ordering some chapbooks for university. The purpose of this email was to ask for a bit of advice about how to become an editor as this is the kind of work I'm after. The work experience response was expected, the offer of a volunteer placement was not! I had to quickly email a tutor, who Knives Forks and Spoons Press had published recently, asking for a reference! It was all quite a whirlwind chain of events but I had an interview on Wednesday on location and start in June. My next job is to figure out how to get there whilst carrying on searching for anything I can.

Before I went home on Tuesday, we had another careers talk in Creative Writing. To be honest, I didn't hold out much hope. Normally, the session consists of 'how difficult it is to get a job at the end of your particular degree' which begs the question why they do it if they can't help you get something out of it... but, I digress. They handed round a few sample job adverts which are circling at the moment and, from the description of one or two, it seems as if PR is a good path for me to follow. One of the jobs in particular was pretty much my dream position so now I know where to chase in the coming weeks which will help to shape the rest of my life!

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