It may have been hot today but it's not good hot. It's that uncomfortable stickiness which means you can't get very far without feeling very icky indeed. It was so warm that we contemplated going for a bike ride for all of 2 minutes before deciding it probably wasn't a good idea. We resorted to sit ups instead.
Yes, I'm trying to be healthier. I can't see much of a difference but that doesn't surprise me, I've been the same weight for a few years and it doesn't appear to shift very easily. I would just like to tone up, I'm not interested in becoming a size ten or anything like that.
It's all part of a new lifestyle I now have. It's very much like a uni lifestyle but without the lingering thought of coursework deadlines that need to be completed. I say it's like being a student again only because I'm living at Tom's house during the week and returning home on the weekend to see my family. This is how my three years at uni went down. Except, I can happily say that I no longer need to dread Saturday mornings and the additional working day added on the end of my week. I now have a 2 day weekend like everyone else and this is for the first time in six years, it still feels strange but I like it.
I am employed on a full time basis. This is obviously a major milestone for me but I am already eyeing up my next one. Driving. It's something I never really needed before. Whilst at college and uni I could get everywhere I needed to be on public transport or on foot within a reasonable time frame. This is starting to change.
I am limited as to what I can do and where I can go during the week. It's easy to stay on the train into Manchester and spend the evening there but you have to stick around for a bit to make it worthwhile and
you need the money to entertain yourself. I have the option to go home from work when I need to because Stacey goes through Walkden every day but I don't like to take this for granted. It takes a while to get home on the bus.
My motivation for this summer is therefore to get as far with driving as I can and also try my best to stick on a healthy route. When Tom gets his student loan and can figure out his finances I may have a gym buddy, I sure hope we get to take it up! We'll just see where this summer takes us! The next time I post could be after I've been to Devon with the randomers so I should have plenty of stories if Newquay is anything to go by!
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